Tuesday, 10 May 2011

What are the conditions to confirm functions .

The first condition for a relation from set X to a set Y to be a function is 1.For every element x in X, there is an element y in Y such that (x, y) belongs to F. Which means that every element in X should relate with distinct element of Y. e.g if X={ 1,2,3} and Y={x, y} Now if R={(1,x),(2,y),(1,y),(2,x)} Then R will not be a function because 3 belongs to X but is does not relates with any element of Y. so R={(1,x),(2,y),(3,y)} can be called a function because every element of X is relates with elements of Y. Second condition is : For all elements x in X and y and z in Y, if (x, y) belongs to F and (x, z) belongs to F, then y = z Which means that every element in X only relates with distinct element of Y. i.e. R={(1,x),(2,y),(2,x), (3,y)} cannot be called as function because 2 relates with x and y also.

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