Wednesday 22 August 2012

2030 - Damn it Feels Good to Finish Finals [Music Video]

Watch 2030's latest video! 'BPL' - http Disclaimer: I do not own copyrights to the music. NOT LISTED IN CREDITS: Erika Arnold. Damn it feels good to finish finals The past ten weeks been kicking my ass Been awake for three days straight Maybe I shouldn't have skipped so much class Now my books and my pens are my only friends And I never want to see a scantron again Been taking more notes than I got food to eat But hey...It's finals week Some people use a red bull to wash down the addy I've seen people beer bong a full pot of coffee But me? There's only one thing I need 5-Hour-Energy Got me all cooped up in this private seat Looking like a scumbag smelling like feet When all I can think about is going on break First I gotta lift up my GPA And I just got an email from my TA He said to get a B in the class, man I need an A On the Final And my professor is so damn mean She said this final's bout to cover everything DAAAAAMN I could really use a helping hand So I called up my momma for some good advice and She said: "You're taking school for a joke it's not funny. You Better not be down there wasting all my damn money!" Hang up the phone start talking to my buddies They all say breh...shouldn't you study? But the only book I wanna read is Facebook These finals are killin me...with one right hook But i'm a finals week veteran, I ain't no rook So what have you learned from all the finals that you took? History, biology ...
Video Rating: 4 / 5

♕ MORE INFO ►: ♕ ♕ Nakamura began with 1. e4 and Hess responded with 1. ...e5 - leading to Nakamura seemingly adopting a Giucco-Piano type set-up with 3. Bc4. However after Hess played 3. ...Bc5 Nakamura dropped a surprise bomb with 4. b4!? - sacrificing a pawn with the Evans Gambit! This opening is rarely seen at the GM level but I suspect that Nakamura spotted a deficiency by Hess in previous games in this line and decided to give him a Super-GM test in preparation. Hess responded with the Stone-Ware Variation with 5. ...Bd6 and 6. ...Qe7 - attempting to consolidate his position in the center and avoid any devastating tactics by Nakamura. However after straightforward developing play by Nakamura, Hess found himself in a tough spot and considerably weakened his position and gave the pawn back with 9. ...Ba3?! Nakamura continued to actively build the pressure and blasted open black's position with 20. e5! - opening up the h1-a8 diagonal for the queen and further opening the position for white's bishop (also potentially opening the f-file to establish a focal point on f7). In the ensuing complications Nakamura snagged a pawn and set himself up for a comfortable endgame. However the game did not progress out of the middlegame as Hess found himself in extreme time pressure, leading to a blunder with 27. ...Qb1?! and 28. ...Qxa2?? - removing his queen from the defense of his king and permitting a winning combination by ...
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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