Wednesday 22 August 2012

Let's Play The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Part 09

Part Nine: The Power of Prayer Hmm...kay, well, I'm not feeling particularly creative with this one as far as the description info goes, so I'll just spit out info as it comes. Doesn't really matter, anyway, since Link doesn't really do anything noteworthy except collect the Book of Mudora and pray (or rather, wish) for the entrance of the next dungeon to open up. Along the way, he meets new enemies, and we see a glimpe of a place that we'll visit later - the Lost Woods. First off, there are the special name for them. The crows are among the most irking normal enemies in the game, to me, just because of the fact that they come at you in swoops. They don't deal much damage, but they can be a real nuisance while fighting a large number of enemies at the same time (and they have a tendancy of rudely interrupting a spin-attack charge). There are also buzz-blobs. These things aren't a threat at all, unless you want to pester them. Actually, they can be quite funny if you do a certain something to them...of which I'll show to you later (involves something with the mushroom, as well). I can't really find the name of those crab-like things that hide under shrubs and rocks...but those sand people dudes are called geldmen. And the vultures are called...well...vultures. xD As for place names...I already mentioned the Lost Woods, where Link got the mushroom in this part. Then there is the marsh with the water gate, the place with the archers hiding in the tall grass ...
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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